Beautiful is she yet sulking has become part of her present pastimes. The fiancĂ© that was suppose to cherish her all has never cheated nor laid an angry hand upon her but has somehow pained in her in the worst way imaginable…he simply has lost interest. Her flowing relaxed hair swings to one side as she gazes at her handsome beau across the living room they had decorated in preparation for the rest of their life together. Her ebony eyes soften contrary to her emotions of hatred towards him as she reminisces on the friendship they once shared. She’s not perfect and by far admits to having a lot more to learn but her willingness to work it out supersedes it all. Her motto: Baby let’s talk, work it out…tell me what I did, and we can even get counseling if needed. His response: Nothing…grudges are the simple solutions and suggestions of leaving her to “find the one she really desires” is the coward road most often traveled. So how does she feel? Certainly not worthless because she has an assurance of her worth, but rejection is still a giant in her life. How could someone who she has known for years, the same person who once cherished her to no end now hit her where it hurts the most? All the effort in the world still there is no movement on his behalf. A stalled relationship discourages her spirit but why should she live with no love when she has so much to give? Surely there are plenty more in line who would appreciate who she is and she knows it…so what does she do next?

“I’m good. It’s cool,” is his only reaction, his eyes never leaving the television screen, no expression on his face. ... be continued