Miserable Woman
Miserable Woman, why are you so? Choosing to see the faults beyond the needs of every lady who encounters your pathway. Making passive judgments on the way they walk, talk, dress, and conduct themselves even as blameless as they are. There is no pleasing you. Not even God Himself could have enough mercy on your soul for you to be satisfied with life. If one person goes a considerable mile to make your mind be at ease, you whiplash a regret and demand more on your behalf. You wonder why your home is in turmoil and your children have gone astray but you point finger at everyone else as if they are the blame. You, no, not ever have you tried to consider yourself. What can you do or how can you help the situation or change your self-deceiving ways? Miserable Woman, why do you wish to sink everyone in your depressive boat? Not one can have joy upon entering into your atmosphere. Surely hatred and snarls will follow then aboard. Does it help gain you more satisfaction if everyone lived a life like you? If everyone hated themselves and resented life as you do? If complaints ran from the mass’s mouths like water would that please you so? The permanent scowls you could then look upon and judge them a little bit more? Oh Miserable Woman…how long will you decide to be? When will you want to come out and flee from all the self-accounted misery? If you really take a look at life, it’s really not that bad. You have limbs that walk and a mouth that talks yet you use them for your own defeat. Turn those eyes upon yourself and shine the spotlight bright. I urge you to look a little bit deeper to see what you are all about. What caused this all? When did it start, this misery that you have found? There is a way, there is some hope but you need to face yourself. Stop lying woman. Stop telling tales and admit that you want to be through. Freedom is just a mindset away and the only hindrance is you. We each have a will and choose how we live so to all there is no excuse. If misery is the road you choose then each lane will lead to no use. I urge you woman…choose freedom and peace, then slowly learn to love yourself. There is a way, yes there is hope, but choose ye this day to help.
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