Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dirty Relationships and Spiritual Body Scrubs

Hello, hello, hello! Purification is what I know keeps me blameless before the Lord, and this morning I was thinking that it’s time for a spiritual body scrub. This scrub is called Release aka Let it Go! I know we have all probably been in relationships recently and in the past that we knew were not good for us but the infatuation of the man caused us to stay no matter what. We gave him our mind, body, and if we could…even our soul just because we wanted to be with him so badly. In turn what did we get? Heartache, pain, shame, misery and all of the above. Maybe we did leave him but the thought of what could have been if he change still plagues us or maybe he cheated and left us and we never really got over him. I know I used to be the type to go on the rebound real quick. I would gather different dudes from different places, maybe I slept with them, maybe I didn’t but it was good just to have their number in my phone for when I got lonely yet still…that was never satisfying. After I came into salvation I learned that I still had not released a few of my ex boyfriends from my spirit. I really didn’t want to admit it but I missed them and was even still in love (false love of course) with one of them. The other, the bio father of my child..I realized was a different case because he was bad and even dangerous for me and my child but since we had lived together and had obviously been intimate casually right before I accepted salvation…he was the one who I had a soul tie with. Of course since God did not ordain this man to be my husband..in was an unrighteous soul tie which is why I would find myself thinking about him and dreaming about him all the while knowing good and well I didn’t want him or need him.It was the tie. Well I spoke to my apostle about what was going on and she gave me these instructions. She told me to get rid of every pair of underwear I owned while I was with that man…and everything that he had given me. I immediately did and all of the dreams stopped. I felt free. I prayed for the soul tie to be destroyed with him…and concerning my other ex I was just real with God. I told Him that I knew I didn’t belong with this man but I wanted to be with him. I CRIED OUT for a release after being real and confession to the Father and then I was free.
Your assignment now ladies is to do the same. If you know that man is wrong for you…let him go. If you are no longer with him…GET RID OF THEM PANTIES you had while ya’ll were together if you were ever intimate. Clear your phones and Facebook of all exes and people you have slept with…remove the temptation. I had to do this ladies so it’s nothing new. Then ladies I want you to get somewhere and have some honest alone time with God if you haven’t gotten over an ex. Be HONEST with God and tell Him how you feel…your desire to be with the man but you KNOW it’s not good for you. Then last….LET IT GO! Let the past be past and RELEASE that man from your spirit..if you don’t think you know how..ask God to do it from your heart. Ladies we can’t move forward if we still are holding on to a false husband in our hearts…we need that space to be clean for our King! This is what I have for now…if you have any questions just let me know. Now let’s use this scrub effectively and get to it! Love ya’ll…ttyl

Monday, December 30, 2013

Keep My Mind Lawd!

Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
So the question arises…how do I keep my mind clear? How do I keep my mind from wandering into a dark place? Well ladies, in the above scripture, you have your answer. If any thought comes to our minds and is opposite of what is being said in Philippians 4:8, then we immediately have to kick it to the curb aka THROW IT OUT! Example: A woman that I know has been talking about me behind my back and it becomes exposed. My first thought would be to start talking bad about her in my head maybe even plots of revenge of confrontation may pop up. Then all day my mind is focused on the issue and how bad of a person that woman is…how she wronged me. Where is Jesus in all of that? Instead of allowing hatred to build up I need to immediately change my mind set.  Instead of getting mad..I can start to say “Thank you Jesus!” and think about the scripture in Matthew 5:11-12 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Ohh thank you Jesus Thank you! And because the Word of God is pure, it is important that we read know the scriptures so that we may be able to have them in our hearts and minds to meditate and think on. If thought come to your head about you being ugly or unworthy, you can dismiss that thought and start thinking about the scripture in Psalms 139:14 “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Whoo, thank you Jesus all over again. Ladies, there is a scripture for us to think upon for every negative thought…we have the power and authority which has been given to us by Jesus Christ in order to counteract everything that is unlike Him which is His Word. Well, it was nice having coffee with you ladies once again and I hope I was able to help out a little bit. Love ya’ll…talk to you soon!

The New Essence of Me

Today I was inspired to do something new...to take this blog in another direction while keeping its former values and morals. I know as women in general we need encouragment as well as clarity in many different areas. I know I do at least. The life that I once lived was raggedy, built on confusion and mistrust but one day I ran into Jesus who just so happened to be there the whole time. Now, just about seven years later I'm free. I'm free from bondage in my mind and from everything and everyone who I was bound to in the most unhealthiest of forms. My desire ladies, is to become more personal with you while sharing my testimony and those of others I have some across. Through sitting under sound teaching and wise counsel, I can now help others with tidbits of what I have learned and some of what I am still learning as I yet grow each day. God is real ladies, and He is indeed a deliverer. Who said you can't walk in victory everday with your head held high? So what you messed up a few times, but guess what...God is the author and finisher of your fate as well as mine. Let's go...let's walk this thing out together as sisters in Christ, inspire me as I inspire you. Don't worry, you'll still get those stories with the all too familiar nameless women who's situations provoke thoughts of self evaluation. They aren't going anywhere. I just need to add more, more for me and more for you. but giving all glory and honor to the Father, Son, and precious Holy Ghost. Be on the look-out becuase its a fresh new start in 2014 but why wait...I'm getting started now! Be blessed and blessed again.

Your Sis in Christ,
 Tahnee "T. Laurice" Jones

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Wind Blows

I open my window letting in a cool breeze and lift my hands to thee, Jesus, in awe of who you are. You are the perfect expression of unadulterated impressions upon my heart which enhances my soul as each current of the wind blows. The world cannot compare even with all of its glory poured from your very own hands since all things were created through you. The wind blows right and left yet we never know where its last stream ends but you remain stable on the throne and live within each one of us. Who can compare to your majesty as you allow each breath from your lips to sweep the earth with life? You represent fire that burns away every wicked desire resting dormant in a corner of my conscience that I failed to sanitize with your bleach. But your wind that blows rattled my once dry bones from my skull to my toes your wind that blows swept life which came in the form of flesh to be sanctified by your Word and covered by your Blood. I love your wind, I need your wind to be ever whistling in my ear. It flows like a turbulent but is as gentle as a dove describing you and the many dimensions of who you are to me. The leaves it carries are righteousness, favor, belief, and everlasting joy but fulfillment also flips and twirls in the midst. The wind is beautiful though invisible to the human eye it soars like a torrent but only is received by the grateful and yearning hearts. I appreciate your wind that blows your ever present gusts of life. Consume me and move me. Move me with your wind that blows from place to place from empty space to replace every feeble and meaningless thought. The wind blows today, the winds blows tomorrow and forever will blow as long as you are sovereign. The wind blows…

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Woman in Lights

Oh if I could just be that woman in lights. Name full of gain with a conscience of no shame, traveling the world, my feet set ablaze. The glamour would consume me and the fame would probably misuse me but the rhythm would be just one in the same. Selling my soul would be minor due to the joy of all my favorite designers. Oh if I could be that woman. The lights would drown out my inward sorrow and relieve the pressure of having accountability for my tomorrows. That woman, if I could just be she. The downward cascade of depression emptying into my voided soul would be erased at least for a moment in passing…one at a time each moment I sign my name on the dotted line of a credit card purchase. The meaning of fun would be wrapped in my legs who carry me left and right. To the clubs of deceit and the beauty parlors of defeat those legs would travel so genuinely. France, Rhome, Italy…that woman should surly be me! I thirst, I thirst to be in her seat! A flick, a flash and there goes my integrity. Anything for that almighty dollar, yen, or euro would be alright with me. Vanity would reign as my ever present now and everyday could be a spa day set for me as long as I bow. Bowing to my desires to be that woman in lights. I’m ready, I’m ready to throwall my innocence out the door! Being devoured by fools and stomped by mules is something quite minute to me. Oh the love of life, the love of the kite that soars with the lust of my own mind. It spreads its flaps and prolongs it flight soon manifesting on the outside. That woman! That woman is calling my name...in vain, for me only to be ashamed. Extending the invitation to reach within myself only to withdraw a secret nation of more deranged personalities. Forever and ever in spiritual filth but at least she’ll finally be me, what I’ve always been after my years of maturity…just failed to fully see. It’s what I want so there’s no changing the much and mire in me. Keep your prayers. Don’t offer me hyssop…don’t bring me myrrh. I pledge to be dirty as long as I get to wear expensive furs. Woman in lights I accept your dark covenant let’s catch the next plain and leave on the double…to my double life of both importance and nothing to be filled with desertion and neglection and eventually rejection. It’s ok. It’s alright. Just let me be. Please let me be that woman for a awhile…that woman in dangerous lights.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Jungle Called "Emotion"

You know, the feeling you get when looking in the mirror, trying to find any way, some way to love or at least even like the person you see.  A turning point comes where you realize that God makes no mistakes, so it must be something drastically wrong with your own perception of who you are. The questions arise of how could He, the Creator of all think to shape and form a woman who is full of mistakes and mishaps. Someone who has never liked herself only stares back in a blank and longing trance, hoping for answers to ignite a forward thrust within her freedom. She has no choice now because she knows too much. She can no longer look at an image made up of someone else, only resembling her natural state but the reality of truth forces her to face life in someone’s shoes whom she has never even tried to walk in. They are unfamiliar steps with error always presenting itself more strongly than before but she knows from teaching that she is able to carry on throughout the jungle called Emotion that somewhere transformed into an ocean. The wounds that reappeared from her travel through Emotion bleed steadily, jagged welts from unkind vines and invisible roots that caused her to stumble and trip surface and cry atop her skin .Velvet beads of scarlet drip and flow steadily, clouding the water. Sharks are drawn near by the scent but only sensing fear they are not able to penetrate because a different kind of blood surrounds her. Instead of satisfying their hunger of flesh made available willingly to the beasts, they flee from the presence of the blood that would have otherwise tasted so sweet. No, this blood has authority and is able to keep. See even she did not know or even realize whose blood was running through her veins. Her DNA in her cells doesn’t belong to her but of a more heavenly being. With this revealed, the secret of life, immediately her wounds are healed. The salt from the same ocean having been purified by the first drop of blood cleansed those wounds of any false perception and infection that presented themselves in the Jungle of Emotion. Now she knows that she can know NO error truly because of what is inside of her. The Blood of her Savior running, flowing, and even bleeding out when necessary to preserve what is His. So powerful is this revelation in the reflection of yourself. Now staring in the mirror with renewed sight at a beautiful creation of light who is able to overcome even the largest things in her mind. Yes, He has that covered, literally with a sheet of His own shed blood resting upon and encasing her physical brain so that she can only go so far. It is now time to live and love your DNA, love what runs through your body if nothing else seems right. Perfection is already inside of you made available for you to love what is already right.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Mama, Baby Mother, Blah Blah Blah

Ok so I’ve been seeing a lot those of those little picture post things on Facebook talking about the definitions of real women concerning the father of their children. I wasn’t going to say anything at first but I kept seeing more and more of the same posts just worded differently. My concern , being that I happen to be a single parent(for the last 5 years) who has had to make some pretty stern and concrete decisions for the safety of my daughter, is that the young women who read these posts and have made a decision to cut all ties from the biological fathers for very valid reasons will start to doubt that she is not a “Real Woman” and end up placing both herself and her child back into the line of fire.
No, lets clear things up, I DO NOT believe it is right for a woman to keep a man from his children out of spite just because the relationship went sour. I do know and believe that there a plenty loving and responsible men out there who are good fathers and desire nothing but the best for their kids but are suffering due to immature females. That’s wrong, dead wrong. Who I am talking about are the men out there who are truly heartless or so confused in the head that they like to use the fact that they have a child by a women to control THEM. The violent and abusive men that didn’t care that they were beating their women when they were pregnant or afterwards in front of the kids. Another scenario..maybe he’s just so irresponsible that he puts his children in harm’s way by always being drunk or high around them..or having different people running in and out of his house while his babies are there. What about if he is so dang spiteful himself that he would go so far as to set YOU up to get your child taken away just because you want out of the relationship or refuse to bow down to him? Shoot it can be as simple as him being the type of man that makes his daughters/ sons promises to come around and continuously breaks them..leaving those babies heartbroken over and over again because of his selfishness, knowing good and well he doesn’t really want anything to do with them. Lastly, just like in Tyler Perry’s movie…what if he is the type that is so vengeful, he would kill his own children?
Hey, I’m sorry but this is REAL ladies. As mothers we have to count up the cost and make these kinds of decisions because just being real...we made the decisions to lie down and make a baby with a man who didn’t belong to us in the first place. Amen an Ouch. I live this everyday but I know what God told me after I came into salvation (when I was pregnant with my daughter) and I stand firm on that no matter what anybody says. I know I will have to cross the bridge of explanation when my daughter gets old enough to understand but that’s just one bullet I’ll have to bite and deal with it when that time comes. Be wise ladies, pray and always lean on Jesus for guidance because this is a very sensitive subject but it IS life! Don’t make any decisions based on your own emotions but don’t change your decisions based on intimidation of him or his family. If he lies and runs your name through the mud to make you look like a terrible person that is just keeping him away for unknown reasons...then so be it! Only you, him, and God knows what was happening behind closed doors and why you did what you had to do. Count up the costs, ask yourself: What will my child benefit from having this man in his/her life as a father? Will myself or my  child be in harm’s way? After all, what good will you be to your baby from the grave? This may sound harsh, but hey we know it’s reality.
I do not agree with playing the victim but I do believe in standing your ground of truth. When I was on vacation last summer out of town, my friend introduced me to the show Love and Hip Hop. Now I don’t watch much TV so those few episodes I watched when I was there were the only ones I seen. What I’m going to say is that I can identify with and felt K.Michelle when she exposed her ex for abuse but was being bashed by his new wife and her friend because he didn’t “seem like that type”. Well honey, on the spiritual side I have learned and do know that certain people are on assignment in your life to bring only death and destruction…especially when you have purpose. He might be loving and gentle to every other woman…but to you…he was sent for one reason…TO TAKE YOU OUT! Now I don’t know her story, I wasn’t there so I’m not accusing the man because I’m not God but like I said I can identify with the situation.
If your ex has a new boo, then so be it. If they look happy and seem happy, then so be it. If his new woman comes at you with all the lies and deception that HE filled her naïve head with, then so be it…would you have expected anything else? Stand your ground ladies, stay in the Will of God for your life. Keep close to that man named Jesus Christ and He won’t let anything sneak upon you. I’m a living witness of victory baby. The past is behind, all has been forgiven, but my decision stands and my daughter is my healthy living testimony of Gods power. Be blessed!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Why Are Black Women Strong?

Who has birthed the number one degraded figure in society and was forced to raise them with all precautionary measures to a cruel world awaiting them? The black woman in fact mothers the black man, so massive in mental and physical strength that centuries and centuries ago another race had to break them mentally. Kindling their hope, the black man, down to almost nothing but a brainwashed state of mindset of thinking that they have never and will  amount to anything. But yet we were left standing to bear the weight of it all, begging, pleading, whipping, and cursing our sons while still loving them all to more. Trying to beat out of them what society has beaten into them, sometimes succeeding and sometimes not. We are still yet reaching deep down on the inside to our survivor inhibitions when disappointment kissed our husbands heads, causing them to abandon their very duties as men of their own households. When mercy was depleted and the electricity was turned off it was the black woman’s quick inhibition to preserve the only meat her children had to eat in ice. It was her basic instinct not to let her babies see her cry and moan to God for a breakthrough of change. This powerful creation, the black woman, has been so humbled to scrub floors of the ungrateful and provide meals to the unkind in order to bring back a few underpaid but well appreciated dollars home to her awaiting family. This same woman in later decades would work her way with patience and integrity  up the corporate chain, pocketing hateful stares and backstabbing ways from judgmental counterparts while keeping her head up and eyes towards the hills from where her help cometh from. From the inside out, she is strong, overcoming mental barriers of a world that tells her she is only a second class beauty compared to her lighter skinned counterparts with silkier hair than she. The black woman, armed with strength further than many eyes can see.