The Wind Blows
I open my window letting in a cool breeze and lift my hands to thee, Jesus, in awe of who you are. You are the perfect expression of unadulterated impressions upon my heart which enhances my soul as each current of the wind blows. The world cannot compare even with all of its glory poured from your very own hands since all things were created through you. The wind blows right and left yet we never know where its last stream ends but you remain stable on the throne and live within each one of us. Who can compare to your majesty as you allow each breath from your lips to sweep the earth with life? You represent fire that burns away every wicked desire resting dormant in a corner of my conscience that I failed to sanitize with your bleach. But your wind that blows rattled my once dry bones from my skull to my toes your wind that blows swept life which came in the form of flesh to be sanctified by your Word and covered by your Blood. I love your wind, I need your wind to be ever whistling in my ear. It flows like a turbulent but is as gentle as a dove describing you and the many dimensions of who you are to me. The leaves it carries are righteousness, favor, belief, and everlasting joy but fulfillment also flips and twirls in the midst. The wind is beautiful though invisible to the human eye it soars like a torrent but only is received by the grateful and yearning hearts. I appreciate your wind that blows your ever present gusts of life. Consume me and move me. Move me with your wind that blows from place to place from empty space to replace every feeble and meaningless thought. The wind blows today, the winds blows tomorrow and forever will blow as long as you are sovereign. The wind blows…
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